Rifle Range Rules

Rifle Range Rules

  1. Rifle Range opens at 8:00 a.m. until dusk.
  2. Red warning flag must be raised before firing – lowered and return when finished.
  3. Cease Firing when trains approach: Hold until out of sight – if train stops, cease fire order continues.
  4. No firearms will be loaded and unattended anytime.
  5. Rifles not in use must be unloaded and racked with action open.
  6. No alcoholic beverages before or during shooting, violators will be expelled.
  7. All firearms loaded at firing line only.
  8. No firearms (loaded or unloaded) will be aided or fired while personnel are checking targets, or ahead of firing line.
  9. Only paper targets in frames (not standards) are permissible.
  10. All observers to remain back of ready line.
  11. All O.I.C (Officer in Charge) Orders are to be executed immediately, without question; assigned officer is in complete charge.
  12. Range must be policed before leaving – Keep It Clean.
  13. Severe disciplinary action will be taken against vandals, please observe speed limit.

The Rifle Range Committee