- You are allowed to keep two trout per family membership daily with a total of no more
than 20 for the season. The take of a guest, fishing with a member, counts against the
members allotment. Record the fish you keep on the form in the kiosk by the pond. - No live bait may be used prior to June 1st. Artificial lures only until then. Thereafter,
you may use any live bait allowed by law except minnows. No minnows or other fish of
any species are to be used or released in this pond at any time for any reason. - Single, barbless hooks only, may be used in this pond even with live bait. No double or
treble hooks at any time. - Fish only from the shore. No wading, floats, or boats are allowed.
- NYS fishing regulations apply. A fishing license is necessary if required by the DEC.
- This pond is closed for all fishing from the close of trout season in the fall until April 1
of the next season. - Any violation of these rules may result in the suspension or loss of your membership.