- Canoe and Paddle Boats are $1.00 per 1/2 hour.
- Row Boats are $1.00 per hour.
- All occupants of boats must wear a life jacket which are located in the Restroom Hallway.
- Please sign in your name and occupants using the boats and include boat number and time in.
- When you return, please sign out your name and pay rental fee by depositing money in supplied box.
Private Boats, Canoes, Docks, etc.:
- All private boat docks and canoe racks are to be kept in safe and satisfactory condition at all times.
- Canoe racks to be painted green or aluminum.
- Boat docks to be painted gray or aluminum and repainted as necessary.
- Dock flooring must be safe to walk on at all times.
- The name of the owner is to be on their boat dock or canoe rack in a legible place.
- Every privately owned boat or canoe must have the owners name legibly printed on it for
identification purposes. - Owners or co-owners of any boat, canoe, dock, or rack shall be required to make necessary repairs, paint, etc. within 10 days of being notified by the caretaker or the Executive Board.
- Any member desiring to erect a boat dock or canoe rack must contact the caretaker and the Chairman of the Grounds Committee for approval prior to construction. These can only be put in beyond the bathing beach by the railroad.
- The club has some canoe rack spaces available any member wishing to use one must contact the caretaker first.
- Each canoe or boat owner is responsible for the security of their own property. The club is in no way liable for any loss or damage.
- If, at the discretion of the Grounds Committee, any boat, canoe, dock, or rack fails to conform to any of the above requirements, the caretaker shall have the authority to remove said item from the waterfront area, taking it to a storage area or to the dump, as deemed necessary. Any canoe or boat thus stored will be held for no more than one year at which time it shall be auctioned to the highest bidder at the discretion of the club and the profits added to the general operating funds.
- Approved by the Executive Board of Directors 12/08/08