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- Shooting hours
are 10:00 a.m. to sunset
- Alcohol is not
allowed at the Range
- Shot shells must
be size 7 ½ or smaller
- Firearms must
remain unloaded unless on the firing line
- Up to, but no
more than, five (5) shooters on the firing line at one time
- No shooter is
allowed more than one shell in the gun unless shooting doubles and then only
two may be loaded
- Only one shooter
is allowed to shoot at a thrown target
- Only one shot per
thrown target is allowed
- All shots must be
to the left of the pole on the right side of the Range as viewed from the
firing line
- The area is to be
left clean of shotgun shells, boxes, papers, etc. when you are finished
- You MUST keep the
action of your gun open at all times while moving to and from the firing line
as well as moving from post to post
- Completion of the
Trap Range safety and operation course is required to sign out the keys and
operate the Trap
- Pond guest fees
apply for non-members who are invited to the Range
- Rules of safe gun
handling must be followed:
- ALWAYS treat every gun
as if it is loaded
- ALWAYS keep your finger
off the trigger until ready to shoot
- ALWAYS keep the gun
unloaded until ready to use
- ALWAYS be sure of your
target and what is beyond it
- NEVER point the muzzle
at anything you don’t intend to shoot